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The Begginning


Updated: Jul 31, 2023

Hi There beautiful people,

Welcome to our series of seasonal based retreat days.

Our intention is to offer our events to align with the cycles of nature, tuning into the energies of the equinoxes and solstice days. As we move through the turning of the wheel of the year our offerings will flow and evolve to align with the shifting elements and practices of each season and Nature's


We began our journey at the time of the winter Solstice, a time of deep rest quietude and a long breathe.

The June Solstice is the magic of the Winterfullness of the dark, and the turn/ return to the growing light out of that fullness of darkness. The dark part of the day is at its longest, yet it turns. It is a Moment for celebrating the birth of all being, of all manifest form, and the renewed promise of ongoing Creativity: life will rise again. It is a remembering of the Space/Void/Night out of which all arises: Her dark Womb from which existence springs forth in every moment and in which we are always immersed: that is, in an ongoing miracle of manifestation, in every moment, in every day.

Glenys D Livingston



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